Small Groups

Providence has many small groups which meet throughout the week. These are designed to get you plugged into our church family, encouraged, and give you an opportunity to grow.

Home Fellowship Groups:

New attenders and new members are encouraged to consider plugging into a “Home Fellowship Group”. These groups meet at different times of the week and in homes geography spread into our local communities. The HFG’s emphasis mutual care or shepherding, prayer and biblical application helpful to face our daily challenges. The groups are comprised for cross generational focus that brings singles, couples and families together embracing spiritual refreshment and unconditional love in a confidential family setting.


Women's Fellowship Luncheon:

Would you like to get to know some ladies?  You are welcome to join us!  Every third Thursday of the month women of all ages gather at 12:30 p.m. at Dominicks Pizza and Italian Restaurant in Quakertown. It is a time to get to know one another and to encourage each other through personal testimonies or life stories while enjoying lunch.  It is a "come-when-you-can" group and an opportunity to invite friends for an informal time of spiritual conversation.  Each person is responsible for their own lunch.

Men’s Fellowship Breakfast:

Every other Thursday at 8:00am men meet in the first floor fellowship hall for a time of devotion, fellowship and prayer. Regulars take turns leading discussion of a Biblical truth; missionaries and those doing special activities/ministries are invited to share when they are available. Bring a breakfast bag, (coffee & juice will be provided) get to know other men and be encouraged by a focus on Jesus being our strength and guide as we strive to honor Him in all aspects of our lives.